
MOPHY - Payment Admin Dashboard Nodejs Bootstrap Template


Payment Admin Dashboard Nodejs Bootstrap Template

This documentation is last updated on 23 September 2024

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Sass Compile -

1.- Install Node.js

To compile Sass via the command line first, we need to install node.js. The easiest way is downloading it from the official website open the package and follow the wizard.

2.- Initialize NPM

NPM is the Node Package Manager for JavaScript. NPM makes it easy to install and uninstall third party packages. To initialize a Sass project with NPM, open your terminal and CD (change directory) to your project folder.

npm init

Once in the correct folder, run the command npm init. You will be prompted to answer several questions about the project, after which NPM will generate a package.json file in your folder.

3.- Install Node-Sass

Node-sass is an NPM package that compiles Sass to CSS (which it does very quickly too). To install node-sass run the following command in your terminal: npm install node-sass

npm install node-sass
4.- Write Node-sass Command

Everything is ready to write a small script in order to compile Sass. Open the package.json file in a code editor. You will see something like this: In the scripts section add an scss command

"scripts": {
  "sass": "node-sass --watch scss/main.scss css/style.css"
5.- Run the Script

To execute our one-line script, we need to run the following command in the terminal: npm run sass

npm run sass
6.- Other Option


"sass": "node-sass --watch scss/main.scss css/style.css --source-map css/"
7.- Project Run Command

After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands into the terminal/command prompt from the root directory (Lexa-Nodejs-v*/Admin/ ) of the project to run the project locally or build for production use:

Command Description
npm install --silent This would install all the required dependencies in the node_modules folder.
npm start Runs the project locally, starts the development server. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:3000.

Folder Directories -

  • images

    This folder contains all the images of Mophy template.

  • fonts

    This folder font files for various template features.

  • css

    This folder contains all the CSS files of Mophy template.

  • js

    This folder has all javascript files for various template features.

  • vendor

    This folder has all plugins used in the template.

  • script

    This folder has all script contact form used in the template.

  • scss

    Scss File

HTML File-

  • assets
    • css
    • icons
      • avasta
      • feather
      • flaticon
      • font-awesome-old
      • helveticaNeue
      • icomoon
      • line-awesome
      • material-design-iconic-font
      • simple-line-icons
      • themify-icons
    • images
      • avatar
      • big
      • card
      • product
      • profile
      • tab
    • js
      • dashboard
      • plugins-init
    • scss
      • abstracts
      • base
      • components
        • app
        • charts
        • forms
        • ico
        • map
        • tables
        • uc
        • ui
        • widget
      • layout
        • footer
        • header
        • rtl
        • sidebar
        • theme
        • typography
        • version-dark
        • version-transparent
      • pages
    • vendor
      • amcharts
      • animate
      • aos
      • apexchart
      • bootstrap
      • bootstrap4-notify
      • bootstrap-daterangepicker
      • bootstrap-material-datetimepicker
      • bootstrap-multiselect
      • bootstrap-select
      • bootstrap-tagsinput
      • bootstrap-touchspin
      • bootstrap-v4-rtl
      • chart.js
      • chartist
      • chartist-plugin-tooltips
      • clockpicker
      • datatables
      • dropzone
      • flot
      • flot-spline
      • fullcalendar
      • global
      • highlightjs
      • jquery
      • jquery-asColor
      • jquery-asColorPicker
      • jquery-asGradient
      • jquery-sparkline
      • jquery-steps
      • jqueryui
      • jquery-validation
      • jqvmap
      • metismenu
      • moment
      • morris
      • nestable2
      • nouislider
      • peity
      • perfect-scrollbar
      • pickadate
      • raphael
      • select2
      • summernote
      • svganimation
      • sweetalert2
      • toastr
      • wnumb
  • src
    • routes
      • index.js
    • config
      • constant-array.js
    • controllers
      • AdminController.js
      • AuthenticationController.js
    • models
      • UserModel.js
    • views
      • components
      • elements
      • layouts
      • plugins
      • pages
        • apps
        • aikit
        • authentication
        • dashboard
        • . . .
  • index.js
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json

RTL integration -

Step 1

Change the direction of theme from here. The file path is given below:-


var dezSettingsOptions = {
  direction: 'rtl'

Step 2


Uncomment the given files for enable RTL direction

Step 3

To Compile RTL CSS, Change The File Path And Then Compile CSS in package.json file

"scripts": {
  "sass": "node-sass --watch scss/main.scss css/style-rtl.css --source-map css/"

Admin Theme Features -


var dezSettingsOptions = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_1",
	headerBg: "color_1",
	navheaderBg: "color_1",
	sidebarBg: "color_1",
	sidebarStyle: "full",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full"

Color Theme -

So many color option available

  • color_1
  • color_2
  • color_3
  • color_4
  • color_5
  • color_6
  • color_7
  • color_8
  • color_9
  • color_10
  • color_11
  • color_12
  • color_13
  • color_14
  • color_15
var dezSettingsOptions = {
	typography: "poppins",  		More Options => ["poppins" , "roboto" , "Open Sans" , "Helventivca" ]
	version: "light",       		More Options => ["light" , "dark"]
	layout: "horizontal",   		More Options => ["horizontal" , "vertical"]
	primary: "color_11",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
	headerBg: "color_1",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
	navheaderBg: "color_1",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
	sidebarBg: "color_11",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
	sidebarStyle: "compact",		More Options => ["full" , "mini" , "compact" , "modern" , "overlay" , "icon-hover"]
	sidebarPosition: "static",		More Options => ["static" , "fixed"]
	headerPosition: "fixed",		More Options => ["static" , "fixed"]
	containerLayout: "full",		More Options => ["full" , "wide" , "wide-box"]
	direction: direction			More Options => ["ltr" , "rtl"]	


var dezThemeSet1 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_2",
	headerBg: "color_1",
	navheaderBg: "color_2",
	sidebarBg: "color_2",
	sidebarStyle: "full",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet2 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_1",
	headerBg: "color_13",
	navheaderBg: "color_13",
	sidebarBg: "color_1",
	sidebarStyle: "full",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet3 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "horizontal",
	primary: "color_14",
	headerBg: "color_1",
	navheaderBg: "color_1",
	sidebarBg: "color_14",
	sidebarStyle: "full",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet4 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "horizontal",
	primary: "color_6",
	headerBg: "color_6",
	navheaderBg: "color_6",
	sidebarBg: "color_1",
	sidebarStyle: "full",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet5 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_4",
	headerBg: "color_1",
	navheaderBg: "color_4",
	sidebarBg: "color_4",
	sidebarStyle: "compact",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet6 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "dark",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_1",
	headerBg: "color_1",
	navheaderBg: "color_1",
	sidebarBg: "color_1",
	sidebarStyle: "compact",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet7 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "dark",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_3",
	headerBg: "color_14",
	navheaderBg: "color_3",
	sidebarBg: "color_3",
	sidebarStyle: "full",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

var dezThemeSet8 = {
	typography: "poppins",
	version: "light",
	layout: "vertical",
	primary: "color_1",
	headerBg: "color_1",
	navheaderBg: "color_3",
	sidebarBg: "color_3",
	sidebarStyle: "mini",
	sidebarPosition: "fixed",
	headerPosition: "fixed",
	containerLayout: "full",
	direction: 'ltr',

Navigation Bar

dezSettingsOptions = {
    typography: "poppins",
    version: "light",
    layout: "vertical",
    primary: "color_1",
    headerBg: "color_1",
    navheaderBg: "color_1",
    sidebarBg: "color_1",
    sidebarStyle: "full",
    sidebarPosition: "fixed",
    headerPosition: "fixed",
    containerLayout: "full",
    direction: direction,
    navigationBarImg: 'images/sidebar-img/1.jpg'  /* image path or null*/

FrontEnd Theme Features -

Color Theme

Choosing a color theme for a website is an important part of creating a visually appealing and effective design. Here are so many color option available, you can choose a color theme for your website.

<link rel="stylesheet" class="skin" href="assets/css/skin/skin-1.css">
  • Color 1
  • Color 2
  • Color 3
  • Color 4
  • Color 5
  • Color 6
  • Color 7

The layout of a website refers to the way in which content and design elements are arranged on each page of the site. A well-designed layout can help to make a website more visually appealing, easy to navigate, and engaging for users. Here two layouts are available

<body id="bg" class="boxed">
<body id="bg" class="frame">

The header of a website is the top section of the site that appears on every page. It typically includes the website logo, navigation menu, and sometimes additional elements such as a search bar, social media icons, or a call to action. Here we used fixed and sticky header in our website-

Header Fixed is-fixed

<div class="main-bar-wraper navbar-expand-lg sticky-header is-fixed">

Header Static sticky-no

<div class="main-bar-wraper navbar-expand-lg sticky-no">
Background Color

The background color of a website is an important aspect of its overall design. It sets the tone for the site and can have a significant impact on user experience. You can use body background color like this but it will work only in boxed and frame layout

<body id="bg" class="frame" style="background-color: rgb(255, 175, 41);">
Background Image

Using a background image on a website can add visual interest and personality to the design. You can use body background image like this but it will work only in boxed and frame layout

<body id="bg" class="boxed" style="background-image: url("assets/images/switcher/large/background/bg1.jpg");">
<body id="bg" class="frame" style="background-image: url("assets/images/switcher/large/background/bg1.jpg");">

Credits -

HTML Structure -

Head Structure






Footer Essentials


Share Button -

You can hide buy now and share buttons by comment the given code as shown below with red mark in the screenshot.

File Path assets/js/custom.js


Contact Form Handler -

1. Simple Mail Function

File Path assets/script/contact.php

2. Using SMTP

Enter the required details for the SMTP server. These should be provided by your system administrator.

Host = '<Put Your Server Host>';
Username = '<Put Your SMTP Username>';
Password = '<Put Your SMTP Password>';
SMTPSecure = '<PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS or 'ssl' OR PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS or 'tls'>';
Port = '<465 or 587>';

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In Order To Ensure Your Website Is Live, We Will Customize The Template According To Your Requirements And Upload It to the Server.

Version History - #back to top

v1.0 - 23 September 2024
  • New - Created & Upload Mophy